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Accountability Data

Accountability Data



One of several major accountability reports produced annually by the DOE, the School Status & Improvement Report (SSIR) addresses standard-based education reporting requirements in §302A-1004, Hawaii Revised Statutes.


The DOE prepares an individual SSIR for each school. Each school report contains a description of the school and its setting, a summary of school improvement progress, available resources, and vital signs on school performance.


(Updated 11/2015)


(Updated 01/2015)

Strive HI

Our Strive HI Dashboard provides detailed information about school performance in the Strive HI System for the most current year's results, as well as teacher staffing, student demographics and more.


(Updated 9/22/15) 


(Updated 9/11/14) 

Trend Report

The Trend Report: Educational and Fiscal Accountability provides three years of trend data on school, complex, and State performance at selected benchmark grade levels with performance indicators in areas relating to student achievement, safety and well being, and civic responsibility.


These reports are designed to present trend data information to the public in a concise two-page format for each complex and school.


(Updated 12/07/15)


(Updated 1/21/15)